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Evaluation Of The Carousel (Week 2)


  • Microphone
  • Tripod
  • Adobe Audition
  • Computer
  • Cameras
  • Lights (spotlights, overhead lights)
  • Autocue
  • Script
  • Props
  • Setting all materials that are needed.
  • Creating a pitch and presenting to everyone else.
  • Editing the audio on Adobe Audition.
  • Acting out the media.
  • Reading the script.
  • Getting the correct lighting for the media.

Media. Day 1

I was given the task to read a segment of the book, "The Cat in The Hat" by Dr. Seuss, into a microphone and then editing the audio from the microphone on Adobe Audition. I then added background music to liven up the segment of audio and to add a mood specifically for the story. I did this by following the following steps below.

1. On the file you have chosen, highlight the parts that you don't want/ need.

2. Delete the highlighted parts by clicking delete and then this part should be gone.

3. Once step 2 has been performed then you will need to begin layering the audio files. In order to do this, you need to click (FILE - NEW MULTI TRACK SESSION).

4. Call the session an appropriate name. For example the name of the audiobook. In my case, this would be The Cat in The Hat audiobook.

5. Select the location of the folder that you wish to store all the audio files in.

6. Change the sample rate to 44100

7. Change the bit depth to 16

8. You need to make sure that all the audio files that you want to use are imported. In order to do this, you need to click (FILE - IMPORT - FILE) then choose the files that you would like to use and they should appear.

9. If the audio file has any background audio then you might want to overlap this. In order to do this just drop the audio file onto the line where you would like it.


Media. Day 2

Tasks that  I had to complete:

  1. Brainstorm ideas
  2. Create a pitch for the production
  3. Pitch the production
  4. Select the best idea and develop further
  5. Plan the production
  6. Conduct rehearsal and block the production
  7. Create titles and graphics
  8. Conduct rehearsal of filming and editing slots
  9. Film and live edit the production
  10. Review the production

I was given the task of being an actor in a short advert for the Bic 4  colour pen which was pitched by fellow students. My role was to sit at a desk and faint when my corresponding colour came up. This was easier said than done though because there are so many different roles in order to create such a small clip of video.


  • Actors
  • Lighting Technician
  • Sound Technician
  • Director
  • Camera Operators
  • Floor Manager
  • Assistant Director
  • AutoCue (script) Operator
  • Live Editor


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